Best Florists Medway

Are you looking for the best florists in Medway?

Then you’ve come to the right place! If you came across this page on Google, then you probably did a search for “florists Medway”. We offer a dazzling range of flower arrangements and bouquets.


Whether it is a birthday celebration, valentines, mothers day, wedding, or perhaps a funeral service, we can help.

We will supply you with the best flowers, and we provide a collection and delivery service. We are reputable, reliable, and considerate.


What are a few of the benefits of using The Rose Garden Florist for your Florists Medway needs?

We are a local business based in the Medway area, we serve Kent, and it’s surrounding areas. Our amazing flower arrangements can be delivered by our specialist flower delivery drivers, or you can collect your flowers from our store. We want to be sure that the recipient has the best delivery experience feasible.


When it comes to our florist delivery service, we have a few options available


Same-day Florist Medway Delivery

This is perfect if you left it a bit late to order flowers, please do get in touch with us to confirm we have the availability to provide our same-day florist Medway delivery in your area.

Our expert team of florists do our utmost best to meet strict deadlines when it comes to flower deliveries, and we understand how important it is to make sure flower delivery goes as smoothly as possible.


Next-day Florist Medway Delivery

If you are preparing a special flower delivery for somebody tomorrow, then our next-day florist Medway delivery service could be the perfect solution for you! Please contact us to check availability in your area. We put the effort right into making one of the most attractive plans you have ever seen.


There are more to flower setups than simply picking the blossom and stuffing it into a flower holder or pot. They can place together with the most exciting as well as classy flower plans that you have ever seen. If you desire dazzling flowers, you have to hire the best blossom store in Kent.


 Each arrangement is hand-crafted by our talented floral designers. We are detail-oriented to ensure that each setup is attractive and also captivating. When they get their remarkable blossoms, we want to be certain that the recipient feels enjoyed and also supported. If you are looking for fresh, appealing, and resilient blossoms, after that we are the perfect flower shop company for you.


We love working with blossoms, and you can tell by the love incorporated right into each plan. Whether you are ordering one setup or 100 table-top plans for an event, we are fully outfitted to handle all of your flower demands.


We take great satisfaction in our flowers and great customer service

We have a team full of experienced florists, we’re experienced in providing floral arrangements for occasions such as birthdays, congratulations, funerals, get well soon, thinking you and any other occasions you could possibly think of.



Florists Medway Elegant looking flowers

Whether you are looking for a single flower or a large arrangement, we can help! We accept orders big and small, from delivery of one bouquet to delivery of flowers for a 400 guest wedding. We have extremely reasonable prices and offer both an online, telephone and in-store collection service.



Florists Medway Presents & Gifts

Whether you are looking for an adorable little teddy bear or something else, we have lots of gift add-ons that you can add on to your order to make it extra special!





We offer a range of services, and can provide you with flowers for any occasion, including, but not limited too:




We can help make your special day perfect.




Funerals are some of the hardest times we go through as people. Let us help take some of the stress.




Want to get someone the perfect gift for their birthday? We can help.




We also sell balloons, vases, teddy bears and cards.
If you have any requests, we’d be more than happy to assist. Just get in touch.