Florist in Medway

If you stumbled across this page, then you probably searched for ” florist in Medway”. We are a florist in Medway that serves Kent, and it’s surrounding areas.


Whether it is a birthday celebration, a wedding event, or even a funeral service, providing someone with a beautiful setup of flowers, it is sure to brighten their day instantly. Rose Garden Florist has lots of experience in supplying its clients with captivating and stylish flowers.


Why choose Rose Garden Florist for all of your florist in Medway needs?

Our dazzling florist in Medway flower arrangements can be delivered or collected. We employ expert flower delivery drivers to transport your flowers safely across Kent, and it’s surrounding areas. We intend to make sure that the recipient has the best experience possible.

This is why we ensure our professional vehicle drivers are well-trained to take care of any circumstance that arises with the delivery of your flowers.


We have three choices when it comes to distribution.


Same-day Delivery

This is excellent if you are sending flowers for the celebration of a newborn child, recovery, birthday, valentines or anything really. If you need flowers delivered on the same day, please contact our friendly team to check our availability. Our talented florists work very toughly to make sure that we constantly fulfil our delivery dates.


Florist in Medway Next-day Delivery

We have our next-day delivery service that is certain to bring a smile from the person who receives the flowers you ordered them. If you are preparing a special delivery for someone, show that unique someone you care by surprising them with our dazzling flowers. Flowers are an excellent gift to show love, friendship, or even just that you are considering someone.


We’re passionate about flowers and take proper care and attention into putting together the most beautiful arrangements you have ever seen.

There is a lot more to flower arrangements/bouquets than you’d think. If you want stunning flowers, you must hire the best Florist in Medway.

Each arrangement is hand-crafted by our highly-trained talented florists. If you are looking for fresh, attractive, and long-lasting flowers, then we’re the right florist in Medway for you. We take pride in our flowers as well as the services we provide to our customers.


Our flower designers will certainly give you high-quality flowers guaranteed, to every one of our blossom acquisitions. We know that you’ll love the flowers we send you or your loved one, we deliver the freshest flowers we have available to send.


Whatever the occasion, as an expert florist in Medway, we can prepare flowers for a single delivery/collections or even for a 500 guest wedding celebration. Get in touch with us today for a bespoke tailored quote.


Elegant Flowers

Whether you are looking for a single rose or a giant bouquet, we believe we have the best flowers in the area. We provide great value for money the customers that purchase flowers from us, contact us today, and we can put together a tailored quote based on your exact requirements.



We have charming little teddy bears as well as a range of boxes of chocolates that you can include in your flower arrangements to give your present the added boost it might require. If you desire the receiver to really feel extra special, do not fail to remember to tell our team of professionals your ideas and we’ll bring them to life for you.


Our talented floral designers are committed to making the most stunning flower arrangements in Medway. We are the leading florist in Medway and the surrounding areas.


Your contentment is our greatest concern right here at Rose Garden Florist. We will go the extra mile to ensure that your flowers are the freshest in Medway.


To order your flowers today, please click the “ORDER ONLINE” button. Alternatively, if you’d like to speak to one of the members of our florists in Medway, then please click the “GET IN TOUCH” button, and we’ll happily correspond with you via telephone or e-mail.



We offer a range of services, and can provide you with flowers for any occasion, including, but not limited too:


We can help make your special day perfect.


Funerals are some of the hardest times we go through as people. Let us help take some of the stress.


Want to get someone the perfect gift for their birthday? We can help.


We also sell balloons, vases, teddy bears and cards.
If you have any requests, we’d be more than happy to assist. Just get in touch.